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Agenda as of September 4, 2012
9:30 am
Welcome from PCAST Co-Chairs
John Holdren, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology; Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP); Co-Chair, PCAST
Eric Lander, Co-Chair, PCAST
9:35 am
PCAST Study Update: Networking & Information Technology R&D (NITRD) 2012 Study
David E. Shaw, NITRD Working Group Co-Chair and PCAST Member
Susan L. Graham, NITRD Working Group Co-Chair
Peter Lee, NITRD Working Group Co-Chair
10:00 am
Innovation and Public Private Partnerships
Tom Kalil, Deputy Director for Policy, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
Michele Cahill, Vice President, National Program, and Program Director, Urban Education, Carnegie Corporation of New York (accepted)
Sue Spradley, Executive Director, US Ignite (accepted)
11:00 am
Innovation Inducement Prizes
Cristin Dorgelo, Assistant Director, Grand Challenges, OSTP
Karim Lakhani, Associate Professor, Harvard Business School and Principal Investigator, Harvard-NASA Tournament Laboratory (accepted)
Gregory Downing, Executive Director for Innovation in the Immediate Office of the Secretary, United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (accepted)
12:00 pm Public Comment
12:30 pm Adjourn