A workshop to examine the feasibility and implications of tracking radiation doses to the U.S. population from medical diagnostic procedures.
The 2011 Beebe Symposium explores the need to track radiation exposure from medical diagnostic procedures such as computed tomography, fluoroscopy, and nuclear medicine imaging exams. These procedures have proven clinical benefit, yet there are concerns regarding the potential health risks resulting from the associated radiation exposure and increase in utilization; the magnitude of the increase has not been fully characterized. Several stakeholders, including federal agencies, have realized that a more comprehensive strategy for radiation exposure data collection is needed. This symposium will explore "why", "what" and "how" to track exposure from medical diagnostics and consider next steps. For the first time in the ten-year history of the Beebe Symposium, presentations and discussions will be summarized in a National Academies report.
For questions or to RSVP for the event, please call us at 202-334-3066 or by email at [email protected]. Seating is limited.
Staff involved in this year's symposium:
Ourania Kosti, Staff Officer
Toni Greenleaf, Administrative Associate
James Yates, Office Assistant
Sponsored by
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Chair: Barbara McNeil, Harvard Medical School
Vice-Chair: Hedvig Hricak, Memorial Sloan Kettering
Thursday , December 8, 2011
8:30 am
Welcome and Introduction
Hedvig Hricak - Memorial Sloan Kettering
8:40 am
Why and how to track radiation exposure
Donald Miller - U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and Charles Miller - Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Session 1: National and international efforts in volume and dose tracking
Moderator: Fred Mettler - University of New Mexico
Introduction to Session 1
Fred Mettler - University of New Mexico
9:15 am
1.1: IAEA activities and overview of global activities
Madan Rehani - International Atomic Energy Agency
9:35 am
1.2: Radiation exposures in medical imaging: FDA's past and present efforts
David Spelic - U.S. Food and Drug Administration
10:00 am
1.3: Strategies to Minimize Patient Radiation Exposure in the Veterans Health Administration
Charles Anderson - Veterans Health Administration
10:25 am BREAK
10:45 am
1.4: American College of Radiology (ACR) dose index registry
Richard Morin - Mayo Clinic
11:10 am Discussion Session 1
Session 2: Appropriate Radiation Dose Metrics and Estimation Techniques
Moderator: Richard Morin - Mayo Clinic
11:30 am
Introduction to Session 2
Richard Morin - Mayo Clinic
11:35 am
2.1: Radiation Metrics in Medical Imaging
Walter Huda - Medical University South Carolina
11:50 pm
2.2: Patient Dose: What to Record and Track and the Role of Organ Dose
Michael McNitt-Gray - University of California, Los Angeles
12:10 pm
2.3: Protocol optimization and dose variability for CT-guided interventions
Raymond Thornton - Memorial Sloan Kettering
12:30 pm LUNCH BREAK
1:30 pm
Panel: Physician's perspective on what to report
James Brink - Yale University and Michael Lauer - National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
2:10 pm Discussion Session 2
Session 3: Volume - methods for collecting and evaluating data
Moderator: Walter Huda - Medical University South Carolina
2:40 pm
Introduction to Session 3
Walter Huda - Medical University South Carolina
2:45 pm
3.1: Measuring population utilization of medical diagnostic procedures: data sources and challenges
Mythreyi Bhargavan Chatfield - American College of Radiology
3:05 pm
3.2: Automated electronic medical record (EMR) dose history extraction and monitoring
Aaron Sodickson - Brigham and Women's Hospital
3:30 pm BREAK
3:50 pm
3.3: Procedure volume trends in the United States and perspectives on large scale data collection
Ashok Shah and Gail Prochaska - IMV Ltd
4:15 pm
Panel: Manufacturers' perspective on what to report
Richard Mather - Toshiba Medical Research Institute, Kenneth Denison - GE Healthcare, Christian Eusemann - Siemens Healthcare, and Dominic Siewko - Philips Healthcare
4:55 pm Discussion Session 3
5:20 pm
Closing Remarks and Adjournment
Hedvig Hricak - Memorial Sloan Kettering
Friday , December 9, 2011
8:15 am
Welcome, opening remarks
Barbara McNeil, Harvard Medical School
Session 4: Risk- What we know and what we need to know
Moderator: Amy Berrington de González - National Cancer Institute
8:25 am
Introduction to Session 4
Amy Berrington de González - National Cancer Institute
8:30 am
4.1: Understanding radiation-induced cancer risks at radiological doses
David Brenner - Columbia University
8:50 am
4.2: Non-cancer effects at radiological doses
Kiyohico Mabuchi - National Cancer Institute
9:10 am
4.3: Patient's perspective
Gwen Darien- Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation
9:25 am Discussion Session 4
9:45 am
Lessons learned from pediatrics
Donald Frush - Duke University
10:10 am
Panel: Next Steps
Fred Mettler - University of New Mexico, Hedvig Hricak - Memorial Sloan Kettering, Barbara McNeil - Harvard Medical School, David Brenner - Columbia University, and Donald Frush - Duke University
10:25 am Discussion
11:25 am
Closing Remarks and Adjournment
Barbara McNeil - Harvard Medical School |