Mary Bohman
Administrator, Economic Research Service, USDA
Bill Hohenstein
Director, Climate Change Program Office, Office of the Chief Economist, USDA |
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Three Examples: How Baselines, Quantification, and Payments Come Together
Chair: John Kadyszewski,
American Carbon Registry and Winrock International
"Pilot-Testing Pay-For-Performance Conservation"
Jonathan Winsten,
Winrock International
"The Waxman-Markey Approach to Offsets"
John Horowitz,
"Lessons Learned in Designing the Northern Everglades PES Program"
Sarah Lynch,
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Paying for Expected Environmental Outcomes: Tools for Ex Ante Quantification of Environmental Outcomes
Chair: Diana Pape,
Karolien Denef,
Colorado State University
"Carbon Reporting with Forest Vegetation Simulator"
Coeli Hoover,
US Forest Service
"DNDC: A Tool for Quantifying Impacts of Farming Management Alternatives on Ecosystem Services"
Changsheng Li,
University of New Hampshire |
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Tools for Ex Ante Quantification of Environmental Outcomes, Cont.
Chair: Chris Hartley,
"NutrientNet/NTT: Quantifying Nutrient Reductions for Maryland's WQT Program"
Mindy Selman,
World Resources Institute
"Measuring Up: Synchronizing Biodiversity Measurement Systems for Markets and Other Incentive Programs"
Bobby Cochran,
Wilamette Partnership
"Fort Hood Recovery Credit System"
David Wolfe,
Environmental Defense Fund |
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Compliance: How Well Can We Verify that Contracted Practices are Carried Out
Chair: David Walker,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
"Verifying Conservation Practices for Environmental Services"
Norm Widman,
"Tree-Planting Contracts"
Monty Maldonado,
"Remote Sensing of Crop Residue Cover and Soil Tillage Intensity"
Craig Daughtry,
"Verification Site Visits"
Bryan Cook,
Farm Service Agency, Texas State Office |
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Paying for Actual Environmental Outcomes: Tools for Ex Post Quantification of Environmental Outcomes
Chair: Molly Brown,
"Detecting Water Quality Benefits from Conservation Programs"
Greg McCarty,
"Using Remote Sensing to Monitor Soil Carbon Sequestration"
Ray Hunt,
"The Northern Everglades PES Program"
Len Shabman,
Resources for the Future |
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Strategies to Address Leakage and Stacking
Chair: Arun Malik,
George Washington University
Brian Murray,
Duke University
"Stacking of Environmental Service from Agriculture"
Richard Woodward,
Texas A&M University |
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Research Findings to Enhance Additionality
Chair: Dave Newburn,
University of Maryland
"How Well Can We Predict Land Use"
Andrew Plantinga,
Oregon State University
"How Well Do Past Practices Predict Future Practices"
Luba Kurkalove,
NC AT&T University
"Additionality in U.S. Conservation Programs for Working Land"
Roger Claassen & Eric Duquette,
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Reverse Auctions
Chair: Nate Higgins,
"The Conestoga Reverse Auction"
Mindy Selman,
Suzie Greenhalgh, Landcare Research NZ
"Experience from the 2006 and 2007 WRP Pilot Programs"
Noel Gollehon,
"Maryland Blue Crab License Buybacks"
Jorge Holzer,
Maryland DNR |
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Private Payments for Environmental Services
Chair: Kitty Smith,
American Farmland Trust
"Providing Environmental Services from Agricutlure in a Budget-Constrained Environment: The View From A Colorado Ranch"
Terry Fankhauser,
Colorado Cattlemen's Association
"Markets for Hunting: The View From Daybreak Ranch"
Jim Faulstich,
"Overcoming Transactions Costs: Experiments From Oil and Gas Leasing"
Tim Fitzgerlad,
Montana State University |
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Market-based Regulation of Agricultural Externalities
Chair: Adele Morris,
Brookings Institute
"Environmental Regulation of Agriculture in New Zealand"
Suzie Greenhalgh,
Landcare Reserach NZ
"Environmental Regulation of U.S. Agriculture"
Cathy Kling,
Iowa State University |
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Further Issues for Improving Provision of Environmental Services
Chair: Al McGartland,
"Nudges for Increasing Participation in Conservation Programs"
Steve Wallander,
"Assurance: Who Bears the Burden if Environmental Goals are Not Met?"
Kathy Segerson,
University of Connecticut
"Putting the Components Together to Create the Northern Everglades PES Program"
Sarah Lynch,
World Wildlife Fund |
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Panel: Tying Payments more Closely to Performance, Reducing Transactions Costs and Other Approaches for Improving Cost-Effectiveness
Chair: Marca Weinberg, ERS,
Jim Faulstich,
Cathy Kling,
Iowa State University
Lynn Scarlett,
Resources for the Future |
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