With the June launch of its US Ignite initiative, the White House has taken a bold step to stimulate creation of a new wave of services and applications that leverage advanced broadband networks running up to 100 times faster than today's Internet. A new public-private partnership with almost 100 partners to date, US Ignite will build on the National Science Foundation's GENI network to interconnect communities with advanced fiber networks to facilitate sharing of knowledge, experiences, and applications across multiple disciplines. The program is poised to match developers of advanced medical, public safety, energy, and other bandwidth-rich applications in these communities with experts who can help accelerate the development and commercialization of these applications. Join BroadbandUS.TV co-hosts Jim Baller and Marty Stern and their guests on July 25, 2012 at 1pm ET, for an in-depth review of the US Ignite initiative, what it all means, and the opportunities it presents for communities, network providers, and developers. Our Guests: