Interview with Mike Jewell, Law enforcement and Fedral, DiamonBack Tactical
Interview with jerry Cooper, President A C Industrial
Interview with Danny A. Knee, Director Surface Sales Networked System, Defense and Space, HoneyWell
Interview with Carl Esposito, Vice President, HoneyWell Aerospace
interview with Jerry Quenneville, Vice President, business Development, Space Data
8:20am Honor Guard
Presented by:
U.S. Border Patrol
U.S. Department of Homeland Security |
8:40am Introductions
Michael Rosenberg, Vice President, Security Division, E.J. Krause & Associates, Inc.
8:50am Corporate Event Sponsor Remarks
Raytheon Corporation
Moderator: Jacob Goodwin, Editor, Government Security News |
Michael J. Fisher, Chief, U.S. Border Patrol, San Diego Sector, U.S. Customs and Border Protection |
11:00am Featured Speaker:
S/Sgt. Andris Zarins, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Program Manager, Integrated Border Enforcement Team Program |
11:30am Border Security in a New Administration: Objectives, Funding, and the Process of Moving Forward
Matt Mayer, Visiting Scholar, The Heritage Foundation and former Counselor to the Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Annual Awards Luncheon for Excellence in Border Security Initiatives
Master of Ceremonies: Alonzo R. Pena, Attaché, Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Embassy-Mexico City, Mexico
Terry Azbill, HIDTA Director, Arizona Sector
U.S. Customs and Border Protection:
Mickey A. Valdez, Assistant Chief of Special Operations for Customs and Border
Protection, Office of Border Patrol, San Diego Sector
Arturo Angulo, Assistant Chief, U.S. Customs and Border Security, U.S. Border Patrol,
Yuma Sector
Joseph E. Gleason, Deputy Chief Patrol Agent, for Customs and Border Protection,
Office of Border Patrol, El Paso Sector
Impact Task Force:
Kevin Robinson, Assistant Police Chief, Phoenix Police Department
Commander Joe Klima, Phoenix Police Department
Patricia Schmidt, Assistant Special Agent in-Charge, Immigration and Customs
Armando Garcia, Assistant Special Agent in-Charge, Immigration and Customs
Dan Wells, Commander, Arizona Counter-Terrorism Information Center
Tim Chung, Commander, Arizona Department of Public Safety
East Valley Fusion Center:
George Gascon, Chief, Mesa Police Department |
1:30pm Federal Interagency Coordination on Border Security Issues
Matthew Allen, Special Agent in Charge, Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Elizabeth Kempshall, Special Agent in Charge, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
Nathan T. Gray, Special Agent in Charge, FBI, Phoenix Division
William Newell, Special Agent in Charge, U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Arizona
2:30pm Keynote Speaker:
The Role of NORTHCOM and Processes Used in Securing our Borders
Lieutenant General Tom Turner, ARNORTH |
Welcome Remarks
Cooperative Efforts between Mexico and the U.S. on Border Security Issues
Lic. Jose Antonio Ruiz Saspe, C-4 Coordinator for the Northern Sonora Region, Government of Mexico |
The Importance of Cooperative Law Enforcement Efforts to Strengthen Border Security
Diane J. Humetewa, U.S. Attorney, District of Arizona
SBINet: An Update
Mark Borkowski, Executive Director, Secure Border Initiative, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, DHS |