National Veterans' Entrepreneurship Conference, Capitol Hill, Washington, DC on April 6-7, 2005

The Association for Service Disabled Veterans (ASDV) is the non-profit organization that pioneered the concept of "ENTREPRENEURSHIP" as a valid goal in the rehabilitation of disabled in service and prisoner of war military veterans (SDV). In 1989, ASDV sponsored "pioneering" legislation that requires that 3% of the total procurement of State of California Government Agencies, and their prime contractors, be directed to service disabled veteran enterprises (SDVE). That legislated policy was subsequently endorsed by a state constitutional referendum approved by the State of California Supreme Court.

The Task Force for Veterans Entrepreneurship (TFVE) is an organization of virtually all National Veterans Service Organizations (VSO) and other veteran stakeholders that has focused on the needs and condition of veteran owned businesses (VOB) since the Task Force was initiated by Federal Agency Authority in 1999.

ASDV sponsored Public Law 106-50 that legislated a federal goal of 3% of all federal agency procurement, and that of their prime contractors, be directed to SDVE. This legislation also established supporting authority and institutions to enable the implementation of the P.L. 106-50 legislation. ASDV and TFVE also co-sponsored P.L. 108-183 Section 3, unanimously passed by the U.S. Congress and enacted by the President of the United States, 20 December, 2003. P.L. 108-183 establishes SDVE "SOLE SOURCE" and "RESTRICTED COMPETITION" for federal procurements. ASDV and TFVE drafted the President's Executive Order 13360, that directed government action to assist SDVE.

Thursday: April 7, 2005
8:00 am

National Task Force for Veterans' Entrepreneurship (TFVE)
Rick Weidman, Chairman
Association for Service Disabled Veterans (ASDV)
John K. Lopez, Chairman

Room 334 Cannon House Office Building

8:15 am "The National Status Report"
National Task Force for Veterans' Entrepreneurship (TFVE)
Room 334 Cannon House Office Building
9:00 am Joint House and Senate Small Business and Veterans' Affairs Committees Roundtable

Room 334
Cannon House Office Building

12:00 Noon Award Luncheon TBA
2:00 pm

"No Veteran Left Behind"
American Legion
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
Vietnam Veterans of America
Paralyzed Veterans of America
Disabled American Veterans

Room 334
Cannon House Office Building
3:00 pm "It's Your Business, Too!"
National Council of Women in Service Disabled Veterans Enterprise (NCWE)
Lisa Greenwood, Chairwoman,
Women in Service Disabled Veteran Enterprises
Room 334
Cannon House Office Building
3:45 pm "Veterans Technical Assistance"
Association for Small Business Development Centers
Veterans' Corporation
Veterans' Development Center for Veterans Enterprise
Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE)
SBA Office of Advocacy
Room 334
Cannon House Office Building