Final Schedule for Leadership Tea Party Class 2 Webcast
Saturday February 27, 2010

Chantilly, Virginia

10:00 am to 10:30 am
LTP2 Session 1: (live)
Overview of Rules for Conservative Radicals
Instructor: Michael Patrick Leahy

10:30 am to 11:30 am
LTP2 Session 2 (taped)
Victory in a Box:
Developing precinct level Get out the Vote efforts in primary and general elections using databases, in person meetings, and detailed instruction kits: A 2010 case study in Texas
Instructors: Ken Emanuelson and Lorie Medina

11:30 am to noon
LTP2 Session 3 (live)
Questions and Answers for "Victory in a Box"

noon to 1:00 pm
LTP2 Session 4: (taped)
Richard Viguerie's Keynote Speech at Leadership Tea Party Class 1 in Dallas, Texas January 29, 2010
Where've You Been?

1:00 pm to 1: 30 pm
LTP2 Session 5: (live)
Questions and Answers for Richard Viguerie

1:30 pm to 2:40 pm
LTP2 Session 6: (taped)
Tea Parties: Legal Overview for Structures and Fundraising - Part 1
How to structure your local group to accomplish its financial and operational objectives, as well as the pitfalls.
Instructor: Mark Fitzgibbons

2:40 pm to 3:00 pm
LTP2 Session 7: (live)
Questions and Answers for Mark Fitzgibbons

3:00 pm to 3:30 pm
LTP2 SESSION 8 (taped followed by live questions and answers)
Case Studies in Rapid Response Collaboration Techniques That Worked
- Buycott - Gina Loudon and Dana Loesch
- NY-23-Eric Odom and Scott Reddick
- Janeane Garafalo response-Katrina Pierson
  and Phillip Dennis
- Hall Pass on That - Dana Loesch and Katrina Pierson

3:30 pm to 4:00 pm
LTP2 Session 9 (taped followed by live questions and answers)
Characteristics of Highly Effective Local Tea Party Leadership Teams
Moderator: Michael Patrick Leahy
Instructors: Phillip Dennis, Lorie Medina, Ken Emanuelson, Katrina Pierson, (Dallas) Christie Carden (Huntsville, Alabama)
moderated by Michael Patrick Leahy

4:00 pm to 4:30 pm
LTP2 Session 10 (live)
Recognition and honoring of the 80 Founding Mothers and Fathers of the Tea Party Movement, on the 1 year anniversary of the 51 "Nationwide Chicago Tea Party" protests
that took place on February 27, 2009

Moderator: Michael Patrick Leahy



1. Rules for Conservative Radicals (90 minutes)
2. Victory in a Box
3. Characteristics of Highly Effective Local Tea Parties
4. Case Studies in Rapid Response Collaboration Techniques That Worked
5. Tea Parties: Legal Overview for Structures and Fundraising - Part 1
6. Richard Viguerie's Keynote Speech at Leadership Tea Party Class 1 in Dallas, Texas January 29, 2010


7. Managing Your Public Message
How to manage your public communications at a local level and prepare for that 15 minutes of national interest
Instructor: Michael Johns ( 1 hour)

8. Curriculum for teaching about the Tea Party Movement to Home Schoolers and High Schoolers
Instructors: Dana Loesch, Home School Mom, Tanya Bachand, Connecticut Tea Party, and Jerome Keehn, experienced curriculum developer ( 1 hour)

9. Zen Conservatism
How to succeed locally with a focused,
minimalist approach to action projects
Bill Hennessy ( 1 hour)

10. Bringing Milennials (Under 30) Into the Tea Party Movement
Instructor: Camara Clifton