Opening with Dave Gardy

Rigs in the Nation’s Fish Basket? What Fishermen Should Know about Proposed Offshore Drilling in Bri

Speaker(s): Brent Paine, David Harsila, Ian Kinsey, John Goll, Keith Colburn, Kelly Harrell, Michael Stocker, Tom Tilden

TWIC: An Update from the TSA

Speaker: Maurine Fanguy, Program Manager Transportation Security Administration

Combating Rising Fuel Prices

Speaker(s): Eric Blumhagen PE, Erik Larsen, Mark Vinsel

Fraudulently Mislabeled or Substituted Seafood; Its Effect on the Commercial Fishing Industry

Speaker(s): Andy Cohen, John Bohn, Timothy Lathrop, William Gergits

Trashing Your Livelihood: Commercial Fishing and Marine Debris

Speaker: Jerry Dzugan