8:30 - 9:10 -Linda Sapochak, Director, Division of Material Research, NSF

Welcome and Future of PREM- Current PREM solicitation

-Dan Finotello, MRSEC Program Director and former PREM PD

Opportunities for partnerships

-Eva Campo, PREM Program Director

Framework and goals of the meeting

9:10 - 9:35 Creativity Award Winner- Eva Campo (5 minutes)

Best Practices in PREM, my experience”-Luis Echegoyen (20 minutes)

11:20-12:00 Faculty Group Discussion Session II

Theme: Opportunities at DMR Centers and Facilities - presentations by Program Directors:

o Guebre Tessema, National Facilities and Instrumentation

o Charles Ying, Materials Innovation Platforms and STC

o Leonard Spinu, National Facilities and Instrumentation



About DMR

Research supported by the Division of Materials Research (DMR) focuses on advancing materials discovery, design, synthesis, and characterization. DMR awards enable understanding of the electronic, atomic, and molecular mechanisms and processes that govern nanoscale to macroscale properties; manipulation and control of these properties; discovery of emerging phenomena of matter and materials; and creation of novel design, synthesis, and processing strategies that lead to new materials with unique characteristics. These discoveries and advancements transcend traditional scientific and engineering disciplines. The Division supports research and education activities in the United States through funding of individual investigators, teams, centers, facilities, and instrumentation. Projects supported by DMR are essential for the development of future technologies and industries that meet societal needs, as well preparation of the next generation of materials researchers.