When: Thursday, May 19, 2016 - Friday, May 20, 2016

Scope: The goal of this workshop is to obtain input from stakeholders - both those new to nanoscale science, engineering, and technology and those already familiar with these fields and with the NNI - regarding the vision for the second era of the National Nanotechnology Initiative, known as NNI 2.0. Participants will be invited to comment on key aspects of the 2016 NNI Strategic Plan. Topics covered may include future technical directions, implementation mechanisms, education and outreach activities, and approaches for promoting commercialization.

AgendaClick here to view the draft agenda.

***Please note that the breakout sessions will not be webcast, but the breakout recaps will be.

More event information is available at the workshop website. To view the last version of the NNI Strategic Plan, visit www.nano.gov/2014StrategicPlan.