Objectives of this workshop are to:

  1. Articulate the role of pre-existing conditions in the impact, response, and recovery of these earthquake events;
  2. Convey what was learned from the expected and the unexpected outcomes of these earthquakes; and
  3. Transfer knowledge from the Haiti and Chile experiences to reduce hemispheric disaster risk in the future. 

8:45-9:00 am - Welcome
John R. Harrald
, Chair, Disasters Roundtable

Session 1: Opening Session

9:00-9:30 - Opening Remarks and Context for this Workshop

Paul Weisenfeld, USAID

9:30-10:30 - Plenary Session:  Two Earthquakes, Two Different Experiences

The Haiti earthquake experience, The Honorable Leslie Voltaire

The Chile earthquake experience, His Excellency, Arturo Fermandois,
the Ambassador of Chile, Embassy of Chile

Introductions by Reginald DesRoches, The Georgia Institute of Technology

10:30-10:45 - Break

Session 2: The role of pre-existing conditions in earthquake experiences in Haiti and Chile

10:45-11:15 - Opening Keynote Presentation: Lessons from Haiti and Chile and how to prepare for future disasters

Richard S. Olson, Florida International University

Introduction by Dennis Wenger, National Science Foundation

11:15-12:15 - Panel Discussion 2A: How did pre-existing conditions contribute to earthquake experiences in Haiti and Chile?
Much has been written about how the differences in Chile's and Haiti's social, economic, and physical vulnerability contributed to the differences in the outcomes of the 2010 earthquakes:

  1. What three pre-existing conditions do you think were most significant in determining the outcomes of each of the earthquakes?
  2. What could have been done to mitigate their potential impact?

Panelists and Discussants:
His Excellency, Arturo Fermandois, the Ambassador of Chile
Anthony Macintyre, Fairfax County Search and Rescue
Fabiola Zamora, University of Chile
Stephen Bender, Consultant retired from the OAS
The Honorable Leslie Voltaire
Richard Olson, Florida International University

Moderator: Jack Harrald, Virginia Tech

12:15-1:15 pm - Lunch (on your own)

Panel Discussion 2B: Exposing Assumptions. What were the expected and the surprise outcomes in these earthquakes?

1:15 - 2:30 - Panel Discussion 2B: Exposing Assumptions of these earthquakes

  1. What are the three big messages of the story of the earthquake in Haiti or Chile?
  2. What were the most surprising outcomes or events in the story of these earthquakes?
  3. What advice would you offer those in your position for the next earthquake based on your experience in Haiti or Chile?

José Holguín-Veras, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Adam Reinhart, USAID, Office of Food for Peace
Mark Merritt, James Lee Witt and Associates
Melissa Hanlon, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (OUSDP), DOD
Tim Callaghan, USAID, and DART leader in Haiti

Moderator: David Kaufman, FEMA

2:30-2:45 - Break

Session # 3: Transfer of lessons and knowledge to reduce risk in the next disaster

2:45 - 3:15 - Session 3 Keynote: Stephen Bender, Consultant retired from the OAS:
Reducing Risk of Future Disasters with Applied Lessons from Previous Events

3:15 - 4:15 - Panel Discussion 3: How to transfer lessons to reduced risk of the next disaster?

  1. How can we adapt actions for the next disaster based on the unexpected or surprising outcomes from Haiti or Chile?
  2. How can we be better prepared for the next disaster based on these experiences?
  3. How can we transfer lessons from Haiti or Chile among the public, private, and academic sectors to reduce the risk in the next disaster?

Moderator: Frank Best, Parsons Brinckerhoff Americas

His Excellency, Arturo Fermandois, the Ambassador of Chile
The Honorable Leslie Voltaire
Richard Olson, Florida International University
Stephen Bender, Consultant retired from the OAS
Tim Callaghan, USAID, Haiti DART
José Holguín-Veras, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Anthony Macintyre, Fairfax County Search and Rescue
Mark Merritt, James Lee Witt and Associates
Adam Reinhart, Food for Peace, OFDA
Melissa Hanlon, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (OUSDP), DOD
Fabiola Zamora, University of Chile

4:15 - Closing and Summary Comments
John R. Harrald, Chair, Disasters Roundtable

4:30 - Adjourn

ohn R. Harrald, Chair, Disasters Roundtable