International Webcasting Association (IWA) and TV Worldwide to Produce Free Live “Webcasting for Rookies”  Webcast, Live from TV Worldwide Studios, August 25, 2006
International Webcasting Association (IWA) and TV Worldwide to Produce Free Live “Webcasting for Rookies”  Webcast, Live from TV Worldwide Studios, August 25, 2006
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International Webcasting Association (IWA)
Teams with TV Worldwide to Produce
Free Live “Webcasting for Rookies II ” Webcast

The International Webcasting Association (IWA) is hosting an effort to produce the second in a series of free live on-line seminar for first-time webcasters, worldwide. Dubbed “Webcasting for Rookies II”, the event will be webcast from 2-4PM ET on August 25, 2006 and will address the basics of webcasting and streaming media, the technologies that make webcasting possible, elements that make for a successful webcast including presentations from several webcast industry experts and technology providers. The webcast, available at, is open to IWA members and non-members and is part of a IWA outreach effort to professionals in media, enterprise, government and associations who are interested in the benefits of webcasting and streaming media, but who may not know where to start. The original “Webcasting for Rookies” webcast is still one of the most trafficked webcasts ever produced by the IWA.

The live webcast is another in a program series of online events which have included worldwide town meetings and industry trade show webcasts as part of IWA's effort to re-orient the organization to meet the expansion demands created by the rapid growth of the streaming media sector. Leaders and technology providers in the webcasting industry will candidly discuss a range of subjects such as how to market and promote webcasts, the trade-offs with various webcasting and streaming media technology solutions from encoding to hosting, the difference and similarities between web conferencing and webcasting, the costs of webcasting, the features that can be offered and the applications currently in use today. While the webcast is underway, the event will include a tour through the TV Worldwide studios, near Washington D.C, where the event is being produced, to see the various technology solutions deployed to produce the event.

Visitors to the live streaming video conference will be able to post questions and participate in Q&A via e-mail, providing a fully interactive forum for education, training, and sharing of information. On-line member message boards will be available during and after the webcast.

The event will be compressed and archived for viewing at Participants should have their media player installed prior to the event and should log on by 1:45 PM on August 25, 2006. Questions can be directed to 703-961-9250, ext 223 before and during the event.

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